2008年5月28日 星期三



2008年4月2日 星期三

2nd Apr.

這門課真的讓我受益良多,除了CALL以外,還可以學習很多電腦技巧,繼上次的audio studio 之後,這次我們學的是vedio studio,老師一樣教學細心又認真,讓電腦完全不上手的我也覺得淺顯易懂,雖然不至於進步神速,但是對於電腦的接觸可說是更深入了。

Criteria for CALL

I've learned criteria for CALL in the class recently. It hleps me to understand how to choose a software indeed. It is not only for evaluating the program but making our effort more efficient. I think criteria for CALL is important for us especially who wnats to use computer as an tool to teaching students. As a consquence,it is good for us to do the assignment.

19th March

這門課讓我接觸到很多之前未涉略的東西,今天老師教我們audio studio的使用方法,還在上課時讓我們試做,老師很細心,讓我學習到錄音之類的小技巧,感覺不會很困難,希望將來可以派上用場。

2008年3月18日 星期二

3 Questions!!

1.What are three phrases of the Call?
(1)Behavioristic Call
The first phase of CALL, conceived in the 1950s and implemented in the 1960s and '70s, was based on the then-dominant behaviorist theories of learning. Programs of this phase entailed repetitive language drills and can be referred to as "drill and practice".In the late 1970s and early 1980s, behavioristic CALL was undermined by two important factors. First, behavioristic approaches to language learning had been rejected at both the theoretical and pedagogical level. Secondly, the introduction of the microcomputer allowed a whole new range of possibilities. The stage was set for a new phase of CALL.(2)Communicative CALLThe second phase of CALL was based on the communicative approach to teaching which became prominent in the 1970s and 80s. Proponents of this approach felt that the drill and practice programs of the previous decade did not allow enough authentic communication to be of much value. (3)Integrative CALL: MultimediaIntegrative approaches to CALL are based on two important technological developments of the last decade--multimedia computers and the Internet. Multimedia technology--exemplified today by the CD-ROM--allows a variety of media to be accessed on a single machine. What makes multimedia even more powerful is that it also entail shypermedia. That means that the multimedia resources are all linked together and that learners can navigate their own path simply by pointing and clicking a mouse.

2.What role do computers play in each phrases?

Behavioristic Call: Computer as Tutor, serving mainly as vehicle for delivering instructional materials. This stimulus-response model provided sequential instruction with feedback, frequent reinforce ment, bracning, and self-pacing.Communicative Call: -The computer is used for skill practice, but in a non-drill format and with a greater degree of student choice, control and interaction.-The computer is used to stimulate discussion, writing or critical thinking.-The computer is used as a tool or workhose such as word-processors, spelling and grammar checkers, and concordancers.Integrative Call: Computer as Tool, just as the word processors had so perfectly meshed with the changing paradigm in writing from an emphasis on product to process, Internet resources and CD-ROM databases as well as simulation and authoring software ideally supported content and task-based instruction.
3. On page 18, the author mentions the use of online chat in a NASA space project to enhance communication skills. Please visit http://starchild.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/StarChild/StarChild.html and outline the possibilities of using technology to promote collaborative learning and developing communities of learners.A: in this website, at the end of each parts showing a question for letting the learners to answerwhich is good for them to collaborate together.

2008年3月4日 星期二

the shortest man in the world

1.question: who is the shortest man in the world
2. keyword: the shortest man
3.search engine: googl
4.answer:Gul Mohammed, world's shortest man (22.1"/56.16 cm), dies at 36

5th Mar

i am interested in the class, but i haven't got a book yet.