2008年4月2日 星期三

2nd Apr.

這門課真的讓我受益良多,除了CALL以外,還可以學習很多電腦技巧,繼上次的audio studio 之後,這次我們學的是vedio studio,老師一樣教學細心又認真,讓電腦完全不上手的我也覺得淺顯易懂,雖然不至於進步神速,但是對於電腦的接觸可說是更深入了。

Criteria for CALL

I've learned criteria for CALL in the class recently. It hleps me to understand how to choose a software indeed. It is not only for evaluating the program but making our effort more efficient. I think criteria for CALL is important for us especially who wnats to use computer as an tool to teaching students. As a consquence,it is good for us to do the assignment.

19th March

這門課讓我接觸到很多之前未涉略的東西,今天老師教我們audio studio的使用方法,還在上課時讓我們試做,老師很細心,讓我學習到錄音之類的小技巧,感覺不會很困難,希望將來可以派上用場。